a broad abroad with her baby

Maddie and I are in America!
It may have been a long journey, but she did so, so well!

my travel partner and seat buddy


She’s already had quite a few firsts since landing; first taste of chocolate, first maple creemee (Vermont soft serve specialty), playing in a fountain, and three new States on her list (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont).

trying a chocolate sample, she didn’t like it:)


Although Maddie and I are in America, there is still quite a bit going on in Uganda.
They’ve been packing the bricks, getting them ready to fire (bake the so they can be used).

gathering bricks and stacking them all-together


We have water from the well – as in, they can turn on the pump and get fresh water to hydrate the plants!

finishing to water some tomatoes 


The well now has a cement cover, to help keep out dirt and keep it safe from people who might want to steal water.

the cement cover with a padlock


With all the progress on our CITY land with the garden, bricks, and well, we have realized how important it is to fence the land to make it more secure.
The best way to do that is to put a fence around the border of the land.

I will share more details with you about how we plan to secure the land soon.
For now, I wanted to let you know, we are holding a contest throughout the month of September!
Anyone who donates $50 or more has the chance to win one of our two prizes*.

Donate today, for your chance to win and to help us secure our land!


much love!


*our two prizes will be pictured in a future blog, along with more information about making CITY land secure*

and we’re off!

Maddie and I are on our way to the USA!

with Maddie on CITY land this morning


From the time we left our house, until we get to my parents’ house, it will have been about 36 hours.
Surprisingly, I’ve had us mostly packed since Saturday or Sunday.


There’s one thing I still need: a phone.
I need a phone I can use while in the States, and also when I come back to Uganda.

I’m looking for an iPhone (7, 8, or X).
Do you, or anyone you know, have one they are looking to sell (or give:) to me?


much love!


As we were getting ready to leave for the airport!


she’s got a ticket to ride…

Or, should I say, we’ve got tickets to fly?!?

Maddie and I officially have tickets to get to the States.
We will be arriving at the end of August and staying until the beginning of November.

I am excited (so is Maddie, she just doesn’t know it yet:) to see family and friends, and maybe even meet some new people.
Part of staying in the States for longer than a month, is to hopefully let more people know about what we are doing here in Mukono, Uganda.

with my little travel buddy 


You want to see Maddie and me?
You want to be a part of all CITY Uganda is doing?

Well, there are a few things you can do…
– you can set up a time for us to talk with your small group or a group of your friends
– help pay for our flights (total for both us us, it is $1,556)
– we could also use some help to get things stocked up for the time that I am gone (particularly food, toiletries, and school supplies)

When you click HERE, you can give a tax-deductible donation that will go towards paying for our tickets, stocking up on items, and support the day-to-day operation of CITY Uganda!


much love!

choosing joy

Moments are fleeting.
Life is frail.
But, we serve a BIG God.
One who knows the plans He has for us.

So, as much as we try to put God in a box,
however much we try to understand,
trusting Him is the best thing we can do.


Thank you, BB, for being an encouragement; not only in words, but in the faith you walked out on a daily basis.  Your love has touched so many people and changed their lives for the better, me included.  My thoughts and prayers are with your family as they choose the joy you focused on.




Why are America and Uganda so far apart?

I’ve always known that grandparents were awesome.
I mean, I grew up having the best grandma ever.
(Don’t even try to argue with me, mine’s the best, hands down:)

playing cards with grandma last month


What I didn’t know, before having Maddie, was helpful they can be.
It was so nice to have my parents visit in July.  Then, to see them about a month later for Emily’s wedding was really great.
There were so many times my parents just took over, no matter how fussy Maddie was, and I could just sleep, or relax.

Besides getting to spend about a week and a half with her Marmie and Poppy, Maddie and I were able to spend time with her great grandma (the previously mentioned “World’s Best Grandma”), her great aunts and uncles, and meet some of my friends, from both high school and college.

all the family that made it to Emily and Adam’s wedding


with Nicole, Meredith, and Colleen


Maddie playing with Asher


It truly amazes me how friendships and connections can be maintained, despite time and distance.  I am very thankful for the family God brought me into, both in America and Uganda, and the friends I have stayed in touch with.

Although I probably would have had no problem filling up a few months of time in America, I am so grateful for the time, whether a few hours or a few days, I could spend with everyone Maddie and I were able to see on our trip.

saying goodbye to Marmie and Poppy


much love!


home again, home again, jiggity jig

Maddie and I made it back to Uganda safely!

waiting to leave Detroit


Although there have not been many blogs lately, you shouldn’t assume I have nothing to share with you…in fact, it is quite the opposite.
News such as, we finished paying for the CITY Land, yesterday!

I have started composing a number of blogs, about the land, our trip to America, and more, for your (not-too-distant) future reading pleasure.

So, you can relax, knowing that stories and pictures will be coming soon!


much love!

home baked

While Madison and I have been gone, life has definitely not been at a standstill back home in Uganda.

video call with some of the kids


Sam has gone on a few trips to the village and back with the truck.  He has been trying to make some new contacts for buying and selling corn.

The kids helped to move and stack bricks, getting them ready to be fired (baked).  Last week that task was finished, wood was bought, and the bricks were baked.

the bricks being fired


Our house has also been fumigated.  When you have an open house, it is far too easy for cockroaches and other insects to feel like your home is the best location to make their homes.

School has started, at least for most of our kids.  Sam has been buying their requirements and paying school fees.  We are looking forward to seeing how they all do during this final term of the school year.

One of our pigs gave birth to 10 piglets, unfortunately they didn’t make it through a virus they were born with.

the sad, sick mommy pig (Abigail)


much love!



from the mountains to the prairies

Maddie and I have been in America for almost a month now.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this trip possible!
We’ve had a good mix of busyness with seeing many people, but also having time to rest (especially the baby:)

There is so much I could say about our trip, but I think I will wait until we are back in Uganda.
So for now, I think I will share a picture from Emily’s wedding!

Dominic, Adam (the groom), Emily (the bride), my mom and dad, Maddie and me


much love!


if i’m not mistaken…

…today is someone’s birthday.
(actually, it’s probably many someones’ birthdays)

But, there is only one person I know, for whom I am writing this blog.
He is less than twice my age for over two years now;
but at one point he was much older than me.

b and d - little
yep, me as a baby


I could probably make this really wordy, but I think I’ll cut right to the chase
Happy birthday, Poppy!

in the snow maybe 7 years ago

I hope you have a great day!
Eat lots of chocolate (I even ate some last night:)



so, what’s next?

So I’ve alluded to this over the past few days.  But I guess it’s finally time to fill you in on what’s coming up for me.
For quite some time I had been feeling like I should teach English.  Not something I’d ever really thought about doing.  I think education is important, and maybe there could be something from the experience for my future.

In less than one week, visa depending, I’m moving to Daegu, South Korea to teach English as a second language.
My students will mostly be kindergartners, with some older elementary students later in the day.

next week, I should be on a plane to Korea:)


I wish I had more to share with you about what I’m doing and where I’m going, but I’m sure there will be a lot to tell once I get there and things get started.

What I can tell you for now is, the past couple of months have been a number of up and downs with jobs and preparations.
And this job, the process of getting it, and getting ready to go, has been quite the whirlwind.

As I mentioned before, being in America hasn’t been the easiest for me, but leaving is definitely full of many emotions.
There are feelings of being overwhelmed for what needs to be done here and sadness as I say my goodbyes; and excitement and nervousness for what is to come;

So soon.
So soon.
I can’t believe I leave in less than one week.


much love!