the big zero-one

Today is the day.
Sounds big doesn’t it?
Well, in a way it kind of is,
at least to me.

Today marks one year since I left America to move to Mukono, Uganda.

w/ Chandler, all packed and ready for our international flight from NYC last year


A year of living in a really great community of people.
Having my home with an amazing family, filled with love.

Ronnie and Joet – two of the kids I live with


When I left one year ago, I had no idea what I was getting into.
I didn’t know this little one would be such a part of my heart:

fun times with my little Lytone


Or that I would be Teacher Bethin; helping in the office and Baby class.

with Baby class


And one year ago, I had absolutely no idea I would be involved in building a library and classrooms for Champions Christian Primary School.

After being here and dealing with random different hardships of life in a different culture; would I change my decision to leave America?
Definitely not.

I am so thankful for this past year and all that has happened throughout.


much love!

my heart and books [pt. 2]

[If you missed part 1, you can read it here.]

Through being with the kids, observing classes, visiting schools, and having conversations with Pastor and the head teacher, Chandler and I have felt lead to start a reading room for Champions Christian Primary School.

Mukono, Uganda.November 2012

library at the school – where we got our idea


Currently, the students at the school have NO books.  Only teachers have books.  Students learn by copying whatever is written on the chalkboard into their notebooks.  To practice reading, they are told to read the Bible (not too thrilling for a 2nd grader).  In order for these students to practice English, reading, and to learn about various other topics, a library of books would definitely benefit these students.

Our plan is to have a building built, with book-cases, reading tables, and chairs; and to fill it with books and reading materials.  At this time, we don’t have all of the details figured out, but I can use your help!

Mukono, Uganda.November 2012

books, books and more books

This is how you can help:
-Pray for this project
-Contribute monetarily
        –We are starting from the scratch with the building and everything in it
        -More information to come about costs and such
-Books [see list below]
        -Please start looking around and talking to people about books
        -They should be in good condition
        -If you know of any groups, churches or individuals that are planning a trip to Uganda, please let me know.  We need people to check extra luggage, filled with books, in order to get the books over here (shipping to here is very expensive).

Chandler and I are looking for a variety of books:
– Fiction and non-fiction books for pre-school to eight grade reading levels
– Picture books, with few words, for younger students
– Health, science, animal, nature or space-type books to help students learn
– Classroom charts: like the human body, the water cycle, plants

much love!

If you have any questions or are interested in contributing to this project in any way, please let me know [].  As more of the details are worked out, and as things progress, I will be giving updates about this project:)